I am trying to take some video stills
I have tried using a simple function call "raspistill -o test.jpg’’
I get the following
mmal: Cannot read camera info, keeping the defaults for OV5647
mmal: mmal_vc_component_create: failed to create component ‘vc.ril.camera’ (1:ENOMEM)
mmal: mmal_component_create_core: could not create component ‘vc.ril.camera’ (1)
mmal: Failed to create camera component
mmal: main: Failed to create camera component
mmal: Camera is not detected. Please check carefully the camera module is installed correctly
I have a low light camera on the sub which I have tried this on.
For further testing I used the usb-rPi camera on a RPi3 and the older rPi2.
All with the same error message.
It would appear that it may be a rPi issue as I found stuff about it on their forum. No solution however.
Is there any other route I can use to take high res images from the camera on the sub. I am not after video frames as I want to process using computer vision