Unable to change IMU stream rate

Hi all,

I’m currently working on a project to perform some kind of Visual Inertial Odometry
with a ROV. The setup is a Pixhawk running the ArduSub firmware and a Raspberry Pi 3
as companion computer, connected through ethernet to my PC, where i intend to do the odometry computation.

When i connect the Pixhawk directly through USB to my PC, I’m able to change the streaming rate up to 50 Hz (cf. this topic ). However, when I connect through the companion computer and try to change the stream rate (either through Mavros using “rosrun mavros mavsys rate” or manually with QGC) it will change back to 4 Hz (seems to be some default value) after a couple of seconds.

Does anyone have an idea about why this is happening and how i could change this?

Best regards,

Check this out, I know this would come as a surprise:

Thank you for your response, it was super useful.

I managed to change the stream rate with the set streamrate command.
However, it is a quite unpractical way of doing it, so i was wondering if you could point me to a start up script for Mavproxy, where the stream rate could be set as default with the
-- streamrate option ?

You stated in this forum, that:

Is this because the ArduSub code uses IMU data which slows down communication?

Thank you for your time,
best regards,

You can add the option to the list at

No, this is independent of ArduSub and the autopilot, it’s because Mavproxy runs on python in a resource-constrained environment. The Raspberry Pi is not fast enough to keep up with it.

Aaaah, i see.

Thank you so much for your time.