I’m currently working on a project to perform some kind of Visual Inertial Odometry
with a ROV. The setup is a Pixhawk running the ArduSub firmware and a Raspberry Pi 3
as companion computer, connected through ethernet to my PC, where i intend to do the odometry computation.
When i connect the Pixhawk directly through USB to my PC, I’m able to change the streaming rate up to 50 Hz (cf. this topic ). However, when I connect through the companion computer and try to change the stream rate (either through Mavros using “rosrun mavros mavsys rate” or manually with QGC) it will change back to 4 Hz (seems to be some default value) after a couple of seconds.
Does anyone have an idea about why this is happening and how i could change this?
I managed to change the stream rate with the set streamrate command.
However, it is a quite unpractical way of doing it, so i was wondering if you could point me to a start up script for Mavproxy, where the stream rate could be set as default with the -- streamrate option ?
No, this is independent of ArduSub and the autopilot, it’s because Mavproxy runs on python in a resource-constrained environment. The Raspberry Pi is not fast enough to keep up with it.