Turning BlueROV into Spiderman

Hi @monsterbacke ,

That sounds fun! I would try using the attitude control example we have in pymavlink to point the ROV up. Be careful around 90º of pitch because you may experience issues with gimbal lock when using euler angles.

I would do it like this:

  1. Drive the rov to the structure you want to “attach” to.
  2. Use pymavlink to set put it in stabilize and command an attitude of 80º pitch up so you don’t hit the gimbal lock issue. Note that these messages have a timeout, so you would need to send them continuously until you hit the wall.
  3. Either manually or via a script, send manual_control messages to set negative throttle. This should move the rov towards the wall.
  4. Switch to manual mode and keep throttle negative. This way the rov won’t try to control attitude anymore, and you should be able to control it freely with your wheels.

We have an example for controlling both depth and attitude. you can comment the depth part out.