ROV Lander style

Hi all,

I’m looking at using Ardusub for a lander style project to control the vertical ascent/descent of a camera payload. The system will be “captive” with no way to move horizontally. We just need a setup to maintain the system in a horizontal orientation and control the speed of ascent/descent. If the 6 vectored or 8 heavy ardusub configurations were used without the fore/aft thrusters (i.e just the vertical thrusters) will the system compensate the horizontal plane correctly? Or does it need the other thrusters to assist?

I’d prefer not to have to build a custom frame configuration, but maybe it’s necessary?


Hi Marcus

I am currently refining a unit that is in a pre-market state of testing that does what you seem to be looking for. I will give you a call later.

Hi @spotxuv,

Yes, that should work fine!

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