I have the BlueRov2 just new this year.
Options are that I have the following:
Heavy kit
4 lumen lights
Ping Sonar 360 kit
Newton gripper
18 hole end cap
I’ve put the unit together all at once and all these components and wired everything up but haven’t connected the battery yet.
This is because I have two wiresets left over in the plastic bags that came with the components and I cant see them in the instructions…although they could be in there?
One is blue and white separate wires (two wires black pin plug and separate pins at the other end
One is green and white separate wires (two wires black pin plug one end and white plug at the other end)
**Can you let me know what these are for? Should I have installed them? Where?
**Also can you let me know what configuration the Pixhawk: Aux Out; Main Out ; SBUS and RCIN plugs should be in? I’ve installed them but would like to check before starting the unit up. I think I have them correct but I don’t want to fry anything.
I have:
Aux out:
1 - lumen lights
2 - camera tilt
3 - gripper arm
4 - empty
5 - empty
Main Out
1 - thruster
2 - thruster
3 - thruster
4 - thruster
5 - thruster
6 - thruster
7 - thruster
8 - thruster
SBUS - red/black running to computer motherboard/powersupply
If someone could answer either of these questions or both I’ll buy someone a beer and tell them so you can be responsible for paying it forward
One should be pre-installed for the Electronics Enclosure sub-assembly. If it isn’t, that’s where it goes. If that is an extra, we may ve just provided an extra one with the tether package. We have a rule to provide that cable assembly with any tether order.
One is green and white separate wires (two wires black pin plug one end and white plug at the other end)
That is an extra cable assembly for users who wish to set up the Ping360 for RS485 communications. Because our components are general, users can install this sonar on other non-ArduSub based vehicles. This cable was provided for that purpose and is not needed for the BlueROV2.
**Also can you let me know what configuration the Pixhawk: Aux Out; Main Out ; SBUS and RCIN plugs should be in? I’ve installed them but would like to check before starting the unit up. I think I have them correct but I don’t want to fry anything.
These are all the correct outputs, you’re good to go!
AUX6 is your SOS Leak Sensor.
Yep and you’re correct to leave the RCIN blank. The 5V power in is correct on the SBUS port.
I noticed that there was another Blue and White wire-set already installed but wanted to check.
Its 3:16am here and I’ve just completed this super ROV build. Just need a bit of cable management and will start on the controller/computer set up after a nap. Then a water test in the pool.
I plan on installing the Waterlinked GPS and a DVL-A50 in a few months time and it will be about as good as it can get.
This ROV is so cool. It will help my work immensely and save some marine life