SITL and QGroundcontrol

Does anyone use SITL and qgroundcontrol?


are you using windows or linux?


If you have a question about a problem or a technology related to SITL , I would recommend to you to formulate such question with related information about your setup and background knowledge.

A good manual of how to do questions to seek help can be found in the stackoverflow documentation or the XY problem.

I run SITL in both Windows and Linux.

I have followed the documentation for setting up SITL Setting up SITL on Windows — Dev documentation

When i do about on the mavproxy screen:

MAVProxy Version
OS: Windows10
Python: 3.5.4
WXPython 4.0.6

QGround Control Version 3.5.5
Ardupilot firmware version (as reported by qgroundcontrol) Vactored/BlueROV2 4.1.0 dev Git 678fd8d

what other setup up information do i need?

I am fairly new to ardupilot/ardusub. We will be getting the hardware soon as soon as we can get the procurement through.

Right now i am trying to get SITL working and configured to play around with things before the hardware comes in.