Simulating Manual Control using Mavros

To be able to active guided mode, you need a position fix.

GLOBAL_POSITION_INT {time_boot_ms : 305214, lat : 338103147, lon : -1183938671, alt : -10, relative_alt : -80, vx : 13, vy : 16, vz : -1, hdg : 27496}
GPS_RAW_INT {time_usec : 305214000, fix_type : 6, lat : 338103136, lon : -1183938688, alt : -250, eph : 121, epv : 200, vel : 0, cog : 0, satellites_visible : 10}
LOCAL_POSITION_NED {time_boot_ms : 305314, x : 0.132573872805, y : 0.159943118691, z : 0.357425302267, vx : 0.137562796474, vy : 0.167037427425, vz : 0.0137174353004}

Take a look in this messages, they need to have lat and lon values, check your gps connection and look for GPS_FIX_TYPE > 1. If you solve this, probably you’ll be able to set the guided mode.