Hello all. These days, I tried to record the data for data analysis. What data I aim to record is camera, ping sonar 360 and underwater GPS.
I want to run the BlueROV2 in the sea while acquiring data. Based on my knowledge, I think I need to run QGC and Pingviewer to control the AUV and Ping 360 SONAR. I would like to use rosbag to record data since it has timestamp and other information. When I run QGS and check rostopic list. I can’t see any topic for me to rosbag record. I wonder how I can rosbag record the data. Also, I realise that camera data is not in mavros. So, where is camera data? Or if you have any other solution while running robot via QGC and acquiring data along with timestamp without the need of rosbag, please let me know. Thanks
Step 1: I setup the BlueROV2.
Step 2: I turn QGC on to control the BlueROV2.
Step 3: I run roslaunch bluerov_ros_playground bluerov2_node.launch to see the topic, node and from that I can rosbag these topic. However, I can’t see the signal of camera.
Could you please let me know what I should do? For example set the new udpsrc, or any other things so that I can run simultaneously QGC and bluerov_ros_playground to record the rosbag? Please help me @patrickelectric, @EliotBR , @clyde. Thanks for your help!