In case anyone else is attempting to install on Ubuntu 20.04, here are a few solutions to problems you’ll encounter.
- rfkill isn’t installed, which is easy to remedy.
sudo apt-get install rfkill
- The default user isn’t named ‘pi’, which causes errors with the install script. Can be fixed by following this guide:
- A few file paths are different, which require you to clone the BlueOS repository locally and make necessary changes.
- The path in line 16 of should be changed to:
- And line 67 to:
- And finally the paths in lines 161 and 163 in the script should both be changed to:
- The path in line 16 of should be changed to:
I ended up opting to use 64-bit RaspiOS for my application, so there may be more issues than are listed here, but this might at least shave an hour or two off of your troubleshooting.