QGC 3.5.2 problems

Hi everyone,

last week I updated BR2 to the latest software (QGC, Companion, Ardusub), but on the main screen of QGC I can’t find the values for camera tilt, lights, big compass, etc. The version of QGC is 3.5.2 and I have download from the BR2 documentation link.
May anybody help me?



Please check the documentation related to the instrument panel.
You need to check the ones that you want to see.


thank you Patrick for your quick response, but I have checked the menu of values, but I can’t find options for lights, camera tilt, internal temperature, etc!

Is there any other parameter I have missed?


Hi Nikos,

The values should be in APMSubInfo dropdown menu.


thank you, I understand that when you connect BR2, new options on menu VALUES appear. Thank you, for the link.
