Problems with bluerov_ros_playground

I’m trying to control the BlueROV2 with a joystick controller in a simulation environment.
Could someone kindly elaborate on what the steps are supposed to be followed?

I’m trying to follow this as of now:

  1. Launch bluerov2 node
    command: roslaunch bluerov_ros_playground bluerov2_node.launch bluerov_node_device:=udp:localhost:14550

It keeps on saying no SYS_STATUS, SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW, ATTITUDE data, What does this imply?

  1. Launch user example
    command: roslaunch bluerov_ros_playground user_mav.launch
    This outputs a lot of things few being…

process[mavros-1]: started with pid [19499]
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [joy/joy_node]: joy
ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/melodic/share/ros
ROS path [1]=/home/DJain6/sandbox/catkin_ws/src
ROS path [2]=/opt/ros/melodic/share
(‘Get data error:’, KeyError(‘voltage’,))
(‘joy error:’, KeyError(‘axes’,))
(‘rc error:’, KeyError(‘channels’,))

Also the tutorials says: " To run QGC parallel with user_mav, it’s necessary to run user_mav first. If it’s necessary to change the input, the parameter joy_dev can be used to set the one used." Could someone explain what this means?