Ping2 Sonar Altimeter and Echosounder Readout OSD

Hi hi
Regarding the Ping2 sonar and the Ping Sonar Viewer.
The software is great, and can handle everything that the product has to offer.
I have the Ping2 Echo-sounder under my BR2 unit to see how far away the ROV is from the bottom. It is good to have the distance, because sometimes the visibility is not that good, and knowing how far it’s to the bottom before you “crash” into it. Then it comes in handy to have the Ping sonar.
Running the Ping2 sonar viewer takes space on the computer screen, and much of the information the Sonar Viewer has to offer does not really matter, at least to me.
Sometimes I just want to have the distance numbers… Nothing more… Just so I know, I’m 5 meter… 2 meters… Etc. from the bottom.
Is there a simplified version possibility? Or get the measurement into like QGroundControl so it reads just like the Depth Sensor? Any other idea regarding for OSD (On-Screen-Display) for Ping2 Echosounder?

Hi @diveexplorer -
You can absolutely read out altitude from the Ping2 in both QGround Control and Cockpit - it’s a bit nicer in Cockpit but in both cases, just involves displaying a parameter.

  1. Go to Ping Sonar Devices and turn on mavlink messages
  2. In Cockpit, add the generic indicator widget and select the rangefinder.distance parameter, and the icon you’d like to show
  3. In QGC, unlock the bottom telemetry readout and add a parameter, then select rangefinder.distance.

In both cases, this distance will be saved in the .ass telemetry subtitle file!

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Ah… that´s it Tony.

Thanks for the advice, I will sure try this.
