Ping Sonar Altimeter

Have been using the Ping Sonar to map some lakes, dams and ponds. Very useful but like to have a recording of it. Sonar give a good profile of the bottom and if it has GPS data too will be fantastic.



I’ve logged your feature request here: Bathymetry · Issue #928 · bluerobotics/ping-viewer · GitHub

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We logged the depth data from the ping on a pixhawk 2.1 cube on a USV we made. Data was saved in the logfile on the pixhawk. After the mission downloaded, filtered, and plotted the bathy data in reefmaster software. DM me if you want more details…

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Hi, can you provide details on how you did it as I am trying to do similar mapping using ecosounders. From saying log from sonar in .svlog to filtering to plotting. Did you use Reefmaster for all things or any other software?


I should have this documented in our sharepoint. Ive been on vacay, but heading back home and to the lab tomorrow. Ill have a look when I get back. We initially used reefmaster for this work, but have since upgraded to some mapping specific sonars and use Hypack for data collection and processing…
