Open Hardware Linux Driven Camera

Greetings all.

Just wanted to make you aware of our open source, open hardware Linux driven camera, as it has been adopted by a number robotics projects presently… which we’re not allowed to talk about unfortunately. But there are a number of case studies that we can talk about detailed here - AXIOM Beta/Case Studies - apertus wiki

As yet the camera hasn’t made it under water.

Everything you could possibly need can be found here - AXIOM Beta - apertus wiki

We recently showcased the first iteration of a smaller, more affordable camera (budget sensor) called AXIOM Micro and a V2 will be shown at this year’s CCC.

Any questions please do send us an email.

All the best,



I’ve had my eye on this project for quite some time. It looks great, and it’s neat that you dropped by!

One thing that is very desirable in our application, but I have not been able to find on the market is a high-end camera with preview video output via UVC. Have you played with this sort of thing?

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Hi Jacob.

Excellent stuff.

Better than that, provisions have been made with a view to accommodating for this scenario. The camera’s USB3 Plugin Module incorporates an FTDI FT601 IC which acts as a multi channel 32-bit FIFO interface. Therefore with minor modifications the FTDI FT602 can be utilised … which would allow for general I/O and UVC playback.

USB3 Plugin Module status: hardware is complete and someone is presently working full-time on firmware of the FT601 variant. Wish it was possible to give you a specific date for when that work will complete, but, in the immediate future let’s say.