Hi Jacob,
We’re trying to get our BlueROV2 Heavy updated to the newest firmware but when we do, we lose telemetry. Video still displays correctly so I don’t think its a network or RPi issue. I have several Pixhawks and tried tried updating the firmware on a couple more and as soon as I update, I lose telemetry. I went through the troubleshooting guide and everything checked out as it should. After updating, even when wedirectly connecting the Pixhawk to the topside computer we cannot get telemetry even though we can confirm that the USB shows a connection. We also confirmed we have a good USB cable.
We are using the latest stable version of QGC running on a Ubuntu linux topside station (latest Ubuntu). We updated the Pixhawk firmware through QGC.
we have the same problem. We have tried two Pixhawk. We have to update through the web system page and directly through usb and QGC. We only managed to retrieve the older version. We had updated QGC and companion without any error message.
I upload some photos for the problem:
br2_01 / br2_02 → (first try) updating using the page
br2_03 → (second try) updating using QGC and direct USB connection between Pixhawk and laptop
br2_04 / br2_05 → the final result…
thank you for your answer. The situation is exactly the opposite: when I connect Pixhawk using USB I have telemetry and connection with QGC. The problem is when I try to connect using the companion computer!
I will try to update the companion computer again…
The USB identifier in Ardusub 4.0 has changed and that was handled in companion a few versions ago, but we avoid changing the users parameters when updating so nothing breaks in custom setups.
I put up an issue to update our docs troubleshooting section.
I am sorry, I do not use blueROV2 and ArduSub. but I’m facing the same problem, I’ve updated the PX4 firmware and the telemtry is not connecting to the Pixhawk.
What do you mean when you say “Try resetting the mavproxy parameters to their defaults at”?