New Year's Dive: The Secret Recipe

Here comes winter, and with it, a great recipe:

Take one heaping tablespoon of BlueROV2—precision is key, but a little flair won’t hurt.

Add a generous pinch of salt to a large bucket, then toss in some H2O molecules. Carefully calibrate the mix to a density of 1.026 (channel your inner mad scientist) and voilà, you’ve got yourself an ocean.

Bring the mixture to a wonderful 10°C (50°F). Be sure not to heat it above the required temperature, or they’ll start calling it summer.

Stir in a touch of medium turbidity and a “whisper” of current (the kind that might inspire dreams of a DVL).

For casting, hire decapod crustaceans as the lead actors, with coralline algae as the perfect backdrop.

Here’s to kicking off the year with a top-notch machine and plenty of oceanic drama! :ocean:

Evolution en ROV par 15 m de profondeur face au courant - Société NORTON VEGA - YouTube

Happy new year !