Manual control not working in depth hold mode

Hi @TomRvr, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Apologies for the delay on getting to this.

To clarify your situation,

  1. What do you mean by “it doesn’t work when I’m switching to Depth hold mode”?
    • Are your control commands ignored?
    • Does it move unexpectedly?
  2. Does controlling the vehicle in depth hold mode work normally (e.g. via QGroundControl, with a joystick)?
  3. Are you also sending regular HEARTBEAT messages?
    • You’re already sending regular motion control messages, so the pilot input side of things should be ok

Are you saying the issue is only present in the ArduSub 4.1.0 release, and has been fixed in the master branch? If so, can you try checking out the ArduSub-4.1.1 tag (or just the Sub-4.1 branch) and seeing whether it works as expected there?