Lumen lights not working on Navigator

Just set up a new ROV with new Navigator controller and cant get the Lumenn lights to work. The thrusters work and the gripper works but no lights. I can see the controller activating buttons 13 & 14. Ive tested the lights by directly powering the signal channel and they work. I’ve also tried plugging them into channel 9 instead of the gripper and they work using the gripper controls but in channel 13 where they should I get nothing.
In the Lights tab of the vehicle setup I get a QGroundControl popup saying Parameters are missing from the firmware. Missing params: 1:BRD_PWM_Count
I have the latest firmware installed in Blue-OS and latest version of QGC.
In then lights setup page the dropdown boxes for Lights 1 & 2 are blank and the only drop down option is ‘Disabled’… is that normal??

Any advice to fix this gratefully accepted.

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Should add that in the Button Assignment page I also have channels 13,14 setup for Lights1_dimmer and lights1_brighter

Hi @nemorov -
How many sets of lights are you trying to connect? What port of the navigator are they connected to?

We don’t recommend using the latest version of QGC - version 4.2.8 is listed on our technical reference.

Checkout this resource and verify the servo parameters in the third column of the table are set under Autopilot Parameters in BlueOS.

Generally Blue Robotics is moving away from QGC, in favor of Cockpit!

Thanks Tony,

I have one set of 4 lumen lights bought as a pre wired set a while back.
They are plugged into the Servo13 port as per the Navigator instructions.
I’ll check the Servo Parameters when back in the workshop tomorrow (I’m in the UK). Meanwhile I’ll look at installing Cockpit this evening and look at moving over to that.

Hi Tony,

Loaded and setup Cockpit and Lights magically working as expected so all good.
Thanks for the help.
