How to write autonomous code and run?

Hi. I have a project that i need to process(on rpi4b or jetson) the image from camera(arducam) than move autonomously. How will i do these? Where and how to write the codes and than run the code?

I would like to process data in the vehicle but if it’s not possible than i can do it on the top computer.

Is it even possible?

Hi @erkamtb -
It is definitely possible! I would recommend breaking down your application into the following threads to research / discuss with large-language model AI

  1. Realtime video processing for pose estimation / simultaneous location and mapping
  2. Pymavlink control of ardupilot vehicles

Apologies, I think other forum users may have found your enquiry a bit vague and open ended. Can you share more specifics about your goals? What type of vehicle are you planning to control, and what types of motion would you like it to achieve? What motivates this work?