Lights and camera tilt function can go on any servo channel. The _servo_1 etc joystick buttons can only be applied to servos 1-3. The reason is to keep the list of options reasonably short.
This means that your gripper must be on channel 1-3. Also, the water sensor must be configured as gpio instead of pwm via the BRD_PWM_COUNT parameter. This doesn’t allow for a single gpio, the finest granularity is two at a time :(.
Set the camera and lights up on the camera and lights setup page, they are configured differently than the gripper, which is why the limitation only applies to the gripper.
How do I solve the wiring if I want to move the leak detector to ADC 3.3V?
It is thre wires coming from leak detector board and the ADC 3.3V input on Pixhawk have 5 pins, which wire goes where?