How can i connect 19.8v leds to a pixhawk 2.4.8?

i have a custom led setup that takes 19.8 volts of power. they are just normal leds however and do not have a signal line. is there a board or adapter i can use to control these lights with a pixhawk? sorry if this is a dumb question i just dont want to have to buy new lights.

With a relay you can turn them on and off. No dimming.

To work you need
a relay connected on your pixhawk.
Configure aux port of the pixhawk to toggle the relay.
Allocate the toggle to a controller button.
Since you need 19v the BR battery won’t do. You need a power converter from 14.8v to 19.8v. or try with 14.8v and see what you get.

Finally connect the power converter output to the relay, a fuse for security and the led strip. It should work.

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Sorry for the late reply. Is there any way I could have dimming? These lights are stinking bright and using them full blast in shallow water is overkill for the battery.maybe hot wire a potentiometer based led dimmer? Would the pixhawk be able to control that?

Hi @bobo ,
Do you have further specs about your led? Pictures?

I hope when you speak about the LED it have also its DRIVER.
Consider when speaking about the LED DIODE itself you need to consider to drive it in costant current mode.

is an led driver the same as a pwm dimmer? i did some digging and found one and bought it. still waiting on it to arrive. do you mean something like this?

you can use a potentiometer .

i dont think a potentiometer is controllable by a pixhawk.

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yes , my bad… but where will you be attaching the led dimmer then?

using an led driver /dimmer solved my problem.