Hi @DeepCoTech,
Just jumping in here with some extra context,
BlueBoat is a new development, so we don’t have a built out set of compatible and recommended sensors and communication modules for it - a big portion of its value is in serving as a platform for different users to use it for their own niche applications, and we don’t know ahead of time what will be most useful for those.
That said, we are testing some different components for a variety of use-cases, and will be reporting on and releasing additional product integrations as the year progresses.
BlueOS is designed to be extensible, and we’ll be working on our own BlueOS Extensions as well as encouraging both device manufacturers and users to create and share their own Extensions for everyone to benefit from.
I’m not aware of existing Extensions for the specific sensors you mentioned, so you might want to contact the manufacturers to ask whether they’re planning to or interested in making them. If the devices have documented electrical details and communication protocols then an integration could also be developed independently by a company or members of the community.
In addition, BlueOS does already support our Ping2 Sonar Echosounder (SBE), and Cerulean have made an extension for their MBEs.
There are very few BlueBoats in the wild yet, because we’re currently in the first delivery wave from the pre-orders.
For what it’s worth @tony-white was one of our early testers, and has had some initial success using our Ping2
In case it’s of interest, there is already a ZeroTier Extension for BlueOS