GoPro Live Feed

Hi all,

Just thought it might be of interest that we have released a new version of our drop/tow camera (which utilises a lot of Blue Robotics components!!), which allows you to view real-time video from GoPro 9/10 (full Hero 11 compatibility TBC). The feed can be used as your primary video in QGround Control if you like (as an RTSP feed), meaning you can have gorgeous GoPro, Hypersmooth stabilized, low latency HD video, overlaid with your telemetry data.

Posting here as we have been considering whether we offer a “bare” unit (no lights, no sled, no depth sensor etc), suitable for mounting to a BR2 skid. The unit has room for it’s own battery, so all that is required is to connect the unit to the onboard BR2 Fathom board (either through a penetrator, or we can supply a connector eg BlueTrail Engineering Cobalt)

Let me know if there is interest and I can post more details.



Very Cool!
Can you control the GoPro from the topside?

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Well done Marcus. Been wanting to get live feed from a Hero 11 for a while. Can your HELM software also control thrusters?

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hi @nperry thanks! Yes, it can be controlled from the surface within our Helm app. Limited functions at the moment (power on/off, start/stop record), but could be expanded if there was interest for other features. The system uses the Open GoPro platform to control the GoPro over BLE with an onboard micro controller, with commands sent over the ethernet connection (Fathom board).

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thanks @johng . No, HELM is really just for viewing/recording video (aimed at drop/tow systems). Recording telemetry, and control of accessories (lights, lasers) is limited to the SPOTX ecosystem for now (systems using our firmware), we haven’t integrated support for Pixhawk/Navigator boards yet.


Hii, can you explain about how did you you OpenGoPro api to stream live video from gopro to qground control.