Ethernet switch no activity

Hi everyone
I’m trying to use the Ethernet switch but it seems damaged, the Ethernet lights are off although I switch on the ROV. How can I check if it’s damaged or not.
Also the camera I’m using now is USB camera and its slow and show high latency, how can I fix it.

Hi @Ibrahim,

The activity indicator lights[1] on our Ethernet Switch should light up when there is activity on a given port. If data is being sent through yours in its current configuration then the lights labelled 1 and 5 (D3 and D11) should be showing that activity. If they are not I recommend you submit a product problem report, so our support team can help resolve the issue and/or provide a replacement as relevant.

Depending on the camera you’re using it’s possible the camera itself has some latency built in, but it’s also possible there’s a network issue. I’d recommend running a Local Network Test on your vehicle’s web interface, as well as testing the camera latency when it’s plugged directly into your computer, and seeing whether the latency issue is still present when you connect an ethernet cable directly from your Onboard Computer (Raspberry Pi) to your Control Station (topside) Computer.

  1. See the Guides section of the product page. ↩︎

Hi there,
I have the same issue, my ethernet switch is not showing activity lights either (1 & 5). This is out of the box so brand new. When I bypass the ethernet switch the system works.
I have emailed support & awaiting their response.
In the interim would you be able to share what you found ?

Hi there,

Same problem by my side, have you got a way to make it work or just had to replace it?

I got the Ethernet switch from an official EU dealer, I power it from the ROV, power light gets on bright green but no activity light when connecting the fathom, DVL and navigator, tryed with and standard network switch and all when online and worked so cables and devices are ok and their ip addresses are ok

Have you any clue how i can make it work? or how to diagnose if it is faulty ?

Hi @DemiaC,

Sorry to hear you’re having issues with your ethernet switch. Given it’s getting power and you’ve confirmed the rest of your setup is working as expected, that does seem likely to be an issue with the switch itself.

Note: I’ve moved your other comment to this thread and merged it with the one here, since they’re on the same topic.

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I just did submit a product problem! thanks Eliot, hope to find a solution soon cause we need the robot operative ASAP!

Have a good day!

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