Error downloading QGroundControl

I have been trying to download the windows version of QGroundControl from here and keep getting a network error before the download completes. Mac version downloads okay. Are there any known issues with the download link that might be causing this?

Thanks. Jake

Update; Its my anti-virus software. I am using Avast and it won’t allow it to be downloaded. Alternatively, when I download via another PC and try to install it deletes the file. I don’t know what it is about QGC that AVAST doesn’t like as I have never had this problem before. I will continue to work through it.

Sorry about the troubles, let us know if you get stuck again.

Thanks Jacob; I got it figured out. AVAST sees QGC as a “malicious file” for some reason and quarantines it. I was able to get it loaded though.

A post was split to a new topic: QGroundControl Missing DLL Files