Disconnect for spool to BR2

Is there a recommended splice disconnect for disconnecting the tether spool from the BR2 ???

Does Blue Robotics have a kit for it ??


Hi Bill,

We don’t currently sell a tether disconnect option (kit or otherwise), although that is something we’re working on.

I’m aware that some of our distributors have options available, e.g.

and beyond that there are several discussions on the forum that may be relevant/of interest :slight_smile:

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Hi Bill,

you can simply use Cobalt connectors, IMO it’s the simpler ( same footprint as BlueRobotics penetrators ) and cheaper way !

All you need is an 8 points bulkhead and an 8 points plug kit.

I’m offering this solution to my clients when they buy an umbilical( Europe only :roll_eyes:)

Below, all you need, including caps :


This is the tether and bulkhead we use for the BlueROV2’s we sell at SeaView Systems

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Plenty of options available around the world. Either google subsea connectors or contact your local Bluerobotics distributor. They will have options available. We are based in Australia and can offer multiple of options.

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@gcelec and @luc-rossi Depth rating for those disconnects?

Welcome to the forum @dutchfromtexas :slight_smile:

Cobalt Connectors are rated to 600m depth, and SubConn Micro Circular Connectors are rated to 300 bar (~3000m in freshwater).

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my Rov was assembled by SORS RICERCHE SPECIALI in Turin, and they all mounted cobalt connectors. I have the 300m long cable and starting with the Rov from the shore of the lake I have already entangled the cable 6 times, thanks to the cobalt connector I have recovered the Rov and cable without problems, I bring out the Rov, I disconnect the network cable, then I recover the cable. Only in one case I had to put on a dry suit and tanks and go down to 80m in trimix 18/40 to free the cable from a tree …

Wow, good point to disconnect ROV and pull just the cable to free tether!

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Ours are rated to about 7km so you should be OK!



Thanks for the info.