Depth Sensor in BlueROV2 Issue

Hello, We are experiencing wrong depth values and positive values from the depth sensor on our ROV. We are currently using the ArduSub 4.1.1 firmware.

Here are some details and observations:

New Sensor: We have recently purchased the depth sensor, and after checking, we found the same issue persists, so we believe the sensor itself is not at fault.

Intermittent Nature: The problem is difficult to reproduce consistently. However, we have noticed that disarming and arming the ROV sometimes triggers the issue.

Temporary Resolution: Restarting the autopilot on blueos resolves the issue temporarily, but it reappears after some time.

Has anyone else encountered similar issues or had suggestions on troubleshooting this further? Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Sakthivelj,

A couple of questions to clarify:

  1. How significant are the differences from the readings you expect?
  2. Is this while the ROV is diving, or just while you’re at the surface and haven’t yet initialised the depth to 0?

Our Bar30 is specified to have an accuracy of ± 200 mbar (204 cm) in fresh water, so it can be quite significantly off before the pressure calibration, after which it generally remains quite precise during the dive (subject to large temperature and/or pressure fluctuations).

If you’re using the product normally and it’s frequently wrong during dives then I’d recommend contacting support through our Product Problems form (which you can also find linked in the “Resources” dropdown in the forum header bar). Given the sensor reads the pressure internally and then reports it to the autopilot digitally, if those numbers are frequently wrong then I’m not sure what could be causing that problem other than a faulty sensor.


Hi @EliotBR,

Thank you for your response.

I am not seeing any significant differences in the values. It reads the correct depth vaule.

The incorrect depth values appear when the ROV is at the surface (Depth 0). As I mentioned before, this issue arises between disarming and re-arming the ROV. After I initiate the rover, run it for some time, disarm it, and then re-arm it, I notice this problem.

I will attempt to reproduce this issue and capture a screen recording to share for further analysis.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

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