For some reason once I input geolocation on Cerulean DVL in BlueOS the depth in QGC offsets the zero value. QGC setting for depth is the depth gauge which shows relative depth up until the point I input the geolocation.
My guess is that the zero is changed to altitude above ellipsoid/MSL according to the map location clicked. Any ideas how to keep it relative as opposed to absolute?
I’m afraid I don’t understand what you mean by this [quote=“Willian Galvani, post:2, topic:18741, username:williangalvani”]
Also, can you check if QGC allows you to use altitudeAMSL instead of altitudeRelative?
There is no z value on the origin I setup - see screengrab
can you try calibrating the baro after setting the geolocation? That could help.
Also it seems tot be a bug on the dvl drivers. we’re sending the initial location with 0 altitude on both the Waterlinked and Cerulan’s DVLs extensions.
The strange thing about it is that if I set the geolocation before I put the ROV in the water (ie the barometer shows zero), it will show zero until the ROV actually enters the water, then it goes absolute. If I enter the geolocation once the ROV is in the water, it goes direct to
absolute. The strange thing is in the first instance where it switches from relative to absolute upon hitting the water