Custom Thruster setup

We are currently designing a custom ROV, and have based the motor placement upon something similar to the first version of bluerov.
We use T500 thrusters, and have most of our components picked from blue robotics
There is no configfile for this in blueos originally.
I have breafly read the forum and documentation for a how-to, but since you all are here to ask🙂…I would be greatful if someone can point me in the right direction.

Best regards
Hans Petter

Hi, again

I read that ardupilot has an “automatic motor direction setup”, and as I understand that BlueOS is based on ardusub.
I also read that in the “ Vehicle Setup” page in BlueOS, will in the future, be able to do the automatic detection.
Is it possible to trigger the “automatic motor direction setup” in BlueOS, from command prompt by logging in to the raspberry over ssh, or is The code for this all together missing in the BlueOS distro?

Hans Petter


To inform others to follow, i was using qGroundcontrol on Ipad, and Ipad version is stripped down a bit regarding to setting up the vehicle.

Everything was a lot easier when i understood that the PC version was much more feature packed…when using the PC qGroundcotrol all the options i was looking for was availably, and the setup was easy :slight_smile:

Thank you all for making it so easy.
This Distro and the surrounding software is great.

Best Regards
Hans Petter


Hi , @Petter007 I know that it’s an old post, I hope you could reply me as I could see that you figured out the custom configuration.
I am also facing problem in understanding the steps of custom configuration.
I have gone through multiple topics, links however it’s not clear from where to start the changes.
I would really appreciate if you could guide me the steps on how to get the custom file into Qground from the beginning.