I want to mount two Newton Subsea Grippers on BlueROV2 Heavy. Is there any way to control them separately with 1 handheld controller, such as Logitech Gamepad F710?
What you really want is grippers like these… https://static.rcgroups.net/forums/attachments/3/0/5/3/8/4/a12862549-0-GCS0033.jpg
Unfortunately i am still building the first prototype versions, other projects in the way, also recovering from wound.
I use Ardusub/ QGroundControl to pilot the ROV, but use other firmware to control the LED lighting, servos, and 9-dof manipulators.
Peruse this thread for joystick interface… MMJoy/MMjoy2 - Set your own USB controller with a cheap Arduino - SimHQ Forums