Connecting a servo to flight navigator

I am connecting a servo which has a 180 range to the one of the PWM channel in the navigator controller. I have mapped the servo1_max and min, and the increment and decrement function to buttons to joysticks, but the servo only goes 90 decrease, how can I increase the range?

Hi @bdaqiq,

Wide range position-controlled servos often take a wider range of PWM values to support the same position resolution over a larger angular range. As an example, the servo we use for tilting the camera in the BlueROV2 has a close to 180 degree range, but to make use of that full range requires setting the min/max parameters to ~800/2200 instead of the standard range of 1100-1900µs pulse durations.

If you are already setting the correct range for your servo, then perhaps you’re just configuring the wrong servo instance? The numbering corresponds to the output pins on the flight controller board, so servo1 is the first pin in the Navigator’s servo header, and is usually configured as Motor1, as part of the vehicle’s motion control.