Navigator - PWM softer shutdown

I have been using the navigator board and have had some issues with a safe shutdown of the PWM module - as far as such I recently blew one of the BR 5V/6A power supplies which was powering the Navigator and the servos. When I go to shut down an application which was driving PWM values, when I go to kill the PWM chip, it seems like a random signal gets sent where all the servos (and the esc/thruster…) get driven to a random value (which is sometimes terrifying when the M200 motor/propeller spins at max RPM). Does anyone have any suggestions to achieving a more stable way to disable and shut down the PWM pins?

Here is an example script I use for calibrating the fins on the vehicle. Sometimes when I hit Ctrl+C, the fins jump to a random value which pulls a large amount of current up front.

#include "bindings.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <csignal>

void signalHandler(int signum)
using namespace std;

void setPinPulseWidth(PwmChannel pin_num, double target)
  double max = 409.5;  // at 50 Hz, corresponds to 2000 microseconds pulsewidth
  double min = 204.75; // at 50 Hz, corresponds to 1000 microseconds pulsewidth
  double center_pwm = min + (max - min) / 2;
  double range_pwm = max - min;
  double pulse_width = center_pwm + (target / 100.0) * range_pwm / 2;
  set_pwm_channel_value(pin_num, pulse_width);

int main(int ac, char *av[])
  std::string argi;

  if (ac != 4)

  double rudder_angle = 0;
  double stbd_angle = 0;
  double port_angle = 0;

  for (int i = 1; i < ac; ++i)
    argi = string(av[i]);
    if (argi == "-h" || argi == "--help")
    else if (i == 1)
      rudder_angle = stod(argi);
    else if (i == 2)
      stbd_angle = stod(argi);
    else if (i == 3)
      port_angle = stod(argi);

  signal(SIGINT, signalHandler);

  PwmChannel pin_2 = PwmChannel::Ch2;
  PwmChannel pin_3 = PwmChannel::Ch3;
  PwmChannel pin_4 = PwmChannel::Ch4;


  setPinPulseWidth(pin_2, rudder_angle);
  setPinPulseWidth(pin_3, stbd_angle);
  setPinPulseWidth(pin_4, port_angle);

  cout << "Shut down with Ctrl+C" << endl;
  while (true)

I’m using (new) BR 5V/6A power supply which is now only powering the servos, and a dedicated 5V power supply for the Pi/Navigator. I was having this issue when I was also powering them both with the same power supply. I’m wondering if it is likely if I am missing something in my electrical stack (which was intended to be pretty straightforward and rely on the Navigator mostly), or if I can do something in my software which makes it safer and more reliable to work with. Is this a Navigator issue, a software/library issue, or an external electrical issue?

When testing I added these blocks to the application in my middleware and the other applets I test with and I seem to catch most of the bad hangups, but I would still like a guaranteed to reduce/minimize the likelihood in which a bad signal gets sent to the actuators.

void safePwmShutdown() {
  // Set all servos to a neutral position before disabling PWM
  AftCtrlV1::setPinPulseWidth(PwmChannel::Ch1, 0);
  AftCtrlV1::setPinPulseWidth(PwmChannel::Ch2, 0); 
  AftCtrlV1::setPinPulseWidth(PwmChannel::Ch3, 0);
  AftCtrlV1::setPinPulseWidth(PwmChannel::Ch4, 0);

  // Ensure the PWM values have been applied

void signalHandler(int signum)

// Constructor()


  signal(SIGINT, signalHandler);  // Interrupt from keyboard (Ctrl+C)
  signal(SIGTERM, signalHandler); // Termination signal
  signal(SIGABRT, signalHandler); // Abnormal termination (abort)
  signal(SIGQUIT, signalHandler); // Quit from keyboard
  signal(SIGSEGV, signalHandler); // Invalid memory access (segmentation fault)
  signal(SIGFPE, signalHandler);  // Floating point exception
  signal(SIGHUP, signalHandler);  // Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process
  signal(SIGPIPE, signalHandler); // Write to a pipe with no one to read it
  signal(SIGALRM, signalHandler); // Timer signal from alarm()
  signal(SIGUSR1, signalHandler); // User-defined signal 1
  signal(SIGUSR2, signalHandler); // User-defined signal 2