Compiling Ardusub for Navigator

Hi everyone, Our team has been trying to compile ardusub firmware for the Blue Robotics Navigator to integrate a custom motor layout.
The firmware seems to be writing to the navigator hat but the board won’t initialize (no flashing lights) and no connection can be made.
This happens whether compiling custom or unaltered standard firmware.

-Flashing pre compiled firmware such as through BlueOS works fine and functions normally so it is not the Navigator board.

-we can compile for other autopilots and successfully flash and connect to board so our method seems to be working.

-We have tried aurdsub versions 4.1 and higher

-We are using WSL environment for compiling

Thanks in advance for any clarity on this.

Hi @andrewjamez -
Can you share what compiler you are using? The software team has recommended gcc 10.2


Hi @andrewjamez -
One alternative that may be easier than building in your WSL environment, albeit potentially a bit slower to compile, is to use the VScode extension for BlueOS and compile your firmware on the device.
Install openvscode extension from the extension manager in BlueOS and open it
Open the folder ~/host/home/pi
Open the terminal inside the vscode extension, and execute (line by line)

git clone 
cd ardupilot 
git submodule update --init --recursive 
python -m pip install empy==3.3.4 pexpect future 
./waf configure --board Navigator 
./waf sub

I hope that helps!

Thanks, I’ll check it out!