Citizen Science for the Chesapeake bay

Greetings enthusiasts!

I’ve mentioned this before, and it is now a thing. We’ve managed to create a citizen science pilot project using Trident ROVs from the generous people supporting the S.E.E. initiative, buoys we’ve built in my garage, instruments from Sonars to water samplers, generous gifts from Pasco scientific, Andrew Thaler’s OpenCTD and Nishkin bottle work, and some absolutely amazing volunteers from the Watermen’s Museum, the Virginia Institute of marine Science , the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and NASA GLOBE ( Whew!


We are hosting the new Smart Bay Assessment, Conservation, Restoration (ARC) pilot course for citizen science on March 23rd and 30th at the Watermen’s Museum, located in our Carriage House at 309 Water Street in beautiful Yorktown VA. This is a pilot course. So, we must limit the class to an adult audience. Future classes will be open to a much wider audience. Class times will be 12 pm to 5 pm on Saturday, March 23 and 12 pm to 5 pm on Saturday, March 30. Cost is $15 per person. There are no prerequisites. To reserve a seat in the class, please email:

Here’s a brief overview of the purpose of the course. Attached is also a flyer.

Vision/mission: Empowering the local community of scientists, citizens, and students to work together to better understand and improve the Chesapeake Bay environment.

Purpose/What we are doing: Engage citizens directly for science on the bay using select technology projects by conducting a multi-day course that covers bay issues, scientific data collection methods, and technology demonstrations/instructions enabling citizens to pursue active bay stewardship.

*Educate people on science for the bay *Educate people on available technology for bay science *Provide deployment/technology projects *Connect citizens with local experts/scientist in the areas of: ** Archaeology **Bay health/ecology/hydrology ** Engineering/technology **Scientific data collection/training and certification

Also, check out the Equipment! That’s right…That’s a BlueRobotics ASV!

And more!

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Awesome! This is such a cool initiative and it looks like you’ve got a lot going on. I hope there are others on this forum who might be interested in participating and contributing. I wish we were closer!


Thanks Rusty!

It’s taken some time to organize. It’s a pilot initiative. Hopefully it will get picked up and funded for either a yearly or bi-annually type of event. I will let you know the results!


I’ll be there on the 30th!

Hi Jacob,

That’s fantastic! It’s looking to be a small class, but fun in any event. We are using this as a proof of concept for a persistent course for citizen science. Let me know your details and we can be sure to get everyone together to chat.
