Chesapeake Explorers YouTube Channel

Greetings enthusiasts!

I hope you are all well and taking good care of you families, friends, and neighbors.

We here on the Chesapeake has started a YouTube channel for science education and exploration for the Chesapeake bay region. This is a trial and first take on this effort, so it’s a little rough, but having fun doing it!

Each episode will detail something interesting about the Bay, introduce a COTS or DIY kit that citizen scientists can use to go out and explore the Bay or wherever they are, and show a deployment adventure. The first episode is cut a bit unfortunately do to covid, but we plan on modifying the series to keep up the enthusiasm for exploration and learning using the ROV, ASV, and other tools.

We plan on covering as many topics as we can. Please send me suggestions, comments, etc if you are so inclined.

I wish you all the best and stay healthy and mindful.



Thanks for sharing, @jim-n! This is great!