Camera, thruster, lights setup - software

Hi all,

I have an order of operations question. I have a raspberry pi. I also got the Navigator to go with it. I am a little confused as to which software to use and how to install it. I believe the Blueos comes installed on the Navigator?

Do I need to reformat the pi now that I have the navigator?
Ardusub goes on the raspberry pi?
I still need ground control on the topside laptop?

(Side problem: I had trouble connecting to the pi using windows remote access with the fathom x tethers. I had previously been able to connect to the pi.)

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Hi @jim_p -
The Raspberry Pi SD card needs to be flashed with BlueOS, the Navigator only hosts external sensors and outputs for the autopilot process that runs within BlueOS on the Pi CPU.
Checkout the documentation!

Once BlueOS is running, you can access the web interface from a computer connected to it directly with an ethernet cable, or over the tether with the Fathom-X boards. It’s important to properly configure your network interface as the BlueROV2 software setup details.

Can you share more context? Are you upgrading an old ROV that used a Pixhawk?

Ok thank you. The links you provided were exactly what I was looking for.

I am building a new submersible camera from the ground up. Most of it is comprised of Bluerobotics hardware, except for the camera and the pi.