First post on the forum, although I have been looking at the site and products for quite a while now!
I currently work work with a leading ROV company, which manufactures and operates a wide range of subsea vehicles, but my interest is increasingly moving towards AUV systems.
I’m working on a few AUV projects at the moment and I was wondering if anyone was using the Blue Robotics/ArduSub hardware/software in such platforms?
ArduSub definitely has the potential to run autonomously, but support for underwater localization still needs to be built in. ArduSub is a derivative of ArduCopter, so all of the waypoint/mission functionality is there, but data that was provided by gps in ArduCopter needs to be synthesized by other means. I plan on developing support for a usbl system and depth sounders. When this kind of support has been added, it will be announced here and in the docs, I’m sure.
I did a bit of a design study a few months ago on DIYDrones: AUV Development with EKF, but the consensus as Jacob has mentioned is that more sensors are required. Pixhawk and Ardusub support them, but affordable versions haven’t been designed for the marine community yet.
I plan to work on some hardware based on BR products in the near future, and even if it just swims around on the surface, but has the capability to on it’s own, that would be something.
Thanks for the replies, clearly some of the required sensors for full autonomy are way out of reach for many, a DVL comes in at around £40k (GBP) and further integration can be eye-watering dependant upon functionality, depth ratings etc.
I’m interested in some of the BR products as a possible system for near-shore/in-shore inspections/susrveys, fitted with a side scan system.
A ‘dead reckoning’ navigation option, i.e. the vehicle takes it’s fix and bearing on the surface then commences to depth to survey, would be a possibility, although obviously there will be drift/current issues as the vehicle continues to hold it’s heading but not compensate for the current/drift. Re-surfacing once a ‘leg’ is finished and regaining it’s position and next bearing.
It is certainly very interesting to know that the capabilities can be adapted to run with a USBL system, this would certainly assist with maintaining a set route, i.e. a pipeline survey, etc.
I’ll certainly create a build log as this project continues, I hope to begin building shortly and the communities input is always valued.