Hello everyone. This is not directly related to Blue Robotics, but perhaps someone in this knowledgeable forum community has some tips for suppliers of 150 VDC thrusters? I have an ROV with Tecnadyne 300 Thrusters with 5V speed control. The reason for finding an alternative is the service cost and service time with Tecnadyne, which is not feasible. DWTEK is an alternative, but the price is almost identical to an original Tecnadyne. We are planning a second BlueROV as well, but it would be great to find some replacement thrusters to keep the old ROV running a bit longer. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
My company also operate some Outland ROVs that are fitted with Tecnadyne thrusters. We are now designing a new body for our thrusters models 300 and 560 that will be fitted with low cost sensorless brushless motors. Then we could use low cost 8S ESCs to drive. Tecnadyne services and parts are too much expensive.
We have had good success repairing a lot of the Tecnadyne thrusters ourselves here as like you guys we were finding the time for repair to be far to long, changing driver cards is fairly easy and everything else is usually not to expensive unless its the main coils (which we have looked at getting rewound but would need a batch of ten to make it economic) - if its internal pcb’s we buy them from Outland (who have designed the newer versions anyway) and they are much more economic repairs - remember of course to say if analogue or digital units!
Great, this is an Outland 1000 Analog. I shipped 2 thrusters to Tecnadyne on December 5, 2023, and they are still being serviced.
We could consider sending the remaining units we would like to service to Buccaneer once we get the two back from Tecnadyne. In the long term, your solution looks very interesting, Antonio! Please keep me in the loop if this is something you have to sell or share.