Much as I love the 4" cast acrylic domes, now that the alumininium tubes and penetrators are good to 950m, the domes are the obvious weak link. I know that you have aluminium end caps that can also handle 950m, but for a couple of reasons I’d rather be using domes. (Streamlining and transparency)
Is there any intention to upgrade the domes to match the rating of the new tubes?
We do have plans to release a 4" dome with a higher pressure rating, yes. Unfortunately I don’t have a fixed timeline of when that’s likely to occur - there are some higher priority things being worked on first.
While that’s true of our highest spec enclosure components, it’s perhaps also worth noting that a variety of our accessory products are not currently rated to 950m, including the Lumen lights, Newton Gripper, several of our sensors, and both our buoyancy foam options.