What is happening when sending PWM signal at zero to ESC

I’m using Raspberry Pi 3 to control a T100 Thruster via a BlueESC. When the thruster is spinning, I send a PWM signal at zero microsecond to the ESC and the thruster stops. To make the thruster spin again, it seems that I have to first re-initialize the ESC by sending a “stopped” signal at 1500 μs. Why is that?

Why is happening when I send a PWM signal at zero microsecond to the ESC? Why do I have to re-initialize the ESC before I can make the thruster spin again?

What’s the difference between sending a signal at 1500 μs and sending a signal at 0 μs?


The BlueESC is really designed to work between 1000 us, full reverse, and 2000 us, full forward, with 1500 us being neutral.

Why are you attempting to send a 0 us PWM signal to the BlueESC?

A 0 us PWM signal may be an undefined value for the BlueESC controller?




Tom is right, sending 0 µs is an invalid command and will produce unusual results. The reason for that is that a 0 µs pulse is the same as no pulse at all. That means that the ESC will not receive any signal and after a short time it will require re-initialization to work.

The “stopped” signal for the BlueESC is 1500 µs.

Please let us know if that helps.



For how long the ESC has not received any signal will it require re-initialization to work?


I think it only takes 3-10 seconds before it deinitializes.


Thank you