Using ArduPilot Without Companion computer


I’ve found information on feeding an autopilot information without going through a companion computer however is there a way to bypass it altogether? I am planning to use a USB to CAT 5e Converter to send a USB signal over the tether so that I can communicate with an Arduino as well.

Is it possible to control a Pixhawk or similar using a game controller via USB or is this not doable?

Thank you in advance!

Trying to bump this and add some more details:

Another large reason for trying to use USB to CAT instead of the RBPi is because the only supported Rasberry pie by ardusub’s companion software is sold out everywhere. I would really appreciate a reply if someone has a chance.

Hi @dino15309, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Not directly, no, unless you have a custom game controller that uses the MAVLink protocol instead of presenting itself as a normal USB game controller.

Given you mentioned having an Arduino in the vehicle you could potentially use that to send some MAVLink messages to the flight controller via one of its serial interfaces.

Our old Companion software could only run on the Raspberry Pi 3B, but BlueOS can run on Raspberry Pi 3B+ and 4B as well, which are more readily available.