T200 python manual control error

Hi @MokhtarYahia,

These comments (and the threads they’re from) may be relevant:

You also seem to send your initial move command without checking if arming was successful. You may want to use master.motors_armed_wait() to wait for arming to complete.

I would also recommend adding a master.wait_heartbeat() call once you make the initial connection, so Pymavlink can determine which MAVLink version to communicate with (it should be MAVLink 2, and you’ll likely need to change your set_rc_channel_pwm to handle the extra 10 values that introduces, like in our example).

By the way, I’ve edited your post to have the code in a code block, which formats it and makes it easier to read, or copy for testing. You can read more about that in the Formatting a Post/Comment section of the “How to Use the Forums” post :slight_smile: