Is there a chance that the QGroundControl SW works under Linux 32 bits, having some issues;
The Laptop is a Tablet Gateway CX 2726 with 32 bit OS CPU T2050 @1.60H.Ghz.
Is running Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
Tried to run Q Ground Control but is giving me issues on the installation.
I know is a pretty old laptop, but I just need it for the Blue ROV2 that I just got last month.
There should not be any installation required, the only thing you have to do is to give the .AppImage file executable permissions. I’m not sure if it will run on 32 bits, but I’ll find out. Let me know if you continue to have trouble.
Thanks Jacob.
Left that laptop for programming in Linux.
Have another one with Windows 10 and all is working fine now.
Now trying to put the Fathom X in a waterproof case and the Tether in a roll for easy carrying.
I have 32-bit Linux machine. The problem with QGroundControl is that the newest version use Qt5.7 that is only available for the 64-bit machine. The last Qt version that is supported on a 32-bit machine is Qt5.5. Is there QGroundControl for Qt5.5? In GitHub - bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol: Blue Robotics QGroundControl fork for internal use only. I didn’t see anything for 32-bit and Qt5.5.