Python to access the Ping raw data on Raspberry PI

Hi Patrick

Initially I would like to see if I can replicate Ping Viewer at the source (ROV) rather than the client PC. Beside less versions of the application software to support for me it could provide a more seamless and consistent user experience. You could also have the ability to integrate with all other available sensor data at source. See:

(The mobile phone is the lowest common denominator. Besides being convenient, it ensures suitable performance is built in. If it works there, it will work on larger devices and tablets)

Moving forward as you look towards autonomous operation, automatic obstacle avoidance, and potentially a stitched array of ping devices providing a wider arc of view, I believe most of the smart processing will occur real-time at the ROV end which is where I am thinking I should focus some time?

I am also thinking about clustering some Raspberry PI devices in the 4" enclosure to provide dedicated compute resource if needed…:grinning:

I was hoping to get a slightly longer introduction to the those two functions as I think the doco is a bit brief on background explanation and that appears to be where most of the core data collection occurs?

Thanks in advance.