Pingproxy service not available on boot

Hi @onurbag, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Companion 0.0.17 is from before I started at Blue Robotics, but it did seemingly have at least some support for the Ping 1D. That said, there have been improvements since then to the Ping device integrations, and the Ping 1D firmware, so there’s some chance it won’t work without a specific Ping firmware version or something.

Assuming the Ping capabilities of 0.0.17 are indeed sufficient, my main guess would be that the sonar was not connected when the companion computer was booted, which is when it looks for Ping devices. If the device is plugged in afterwards (or not powered on early enough) then it may not be detected by the Companion computer, and accordingly the pingproxy service never gets started, and you’re not able to connect to the sonar from the topside computer.

By the way, is there a particular reason you’re trying to use Companion 0.0.17 specifically, and Companion in general? The last Companion release was 0.0.31, and Companion itself has been mostly replaced by BlueOS.