New guide - Blue OS and Node-RED: Steering Toward Continuous Discovery!

Ahoy, Marine Roboticists! :anchor:

Feeling lost at sea with Python? Does developing a BlueOS extension feel like navigating stormy waters? Fear not, we’ve got just the guide to keep you sailing smoothly! :ocean:

Whether you’re charting a course through solar power, cellular communications, or using other payload devices, this guide will help you harness Node-RED to reel in, process, and display your data with ease. No more drifting through common issues—like keeping your serial devices anchored to the right ports or getting tangled up in data processing. With this guide, you’ll sail straight through to a fully functional Node-RED dashboard! :sailboat:

We’ll show you how to log and sync your payload data with autopilot telemetry, ensuring your data is shipshape and even ready to view live in Cockpit. Creating live dashboards displaying your data is roped in as well!:anchor:

The best part? We’re offering a pre-built flow to get you underway! With regular updates planned, this flow is like your trusty compass, guiding you through new devices and integrations. Just import it, and your Node-RED web is ready to customize to your application!

This forum thread will be your harbor for all things Node-RED and BlueOS. Got questions, need help troubleshooting, or want to share your latest discoveries? Drop anchor here, and we’ll keep the conversation afloat! Whether you’re a seasoned software captain captain or a first-time robotics-deckhand, let’s navigate these waters together! :desktop_computer:

Dive into the guide now, and let’s go on a BlueOS data acquisition adventure! :surfing_man:


Ahoy Tony and Blue Robotics. This is really awesome! Thank you for bringing Node-RED into the toolset and developing an initial flow. Node-RED is a great tool to easily process data and quickly generate dashboards, etc. We’ve previously used it on an RPi 4 for ingesting and processing data coming from an Arduino LoRa radio transceiver to generate real-time charts/graphs. We are just getting started with BlueOS and Cockpit, and it’s exciting to see Node-RED a part of all the new BR development going on.