Issues with Loiter and heading issues

Hello All.

We are trying to build a 4m boat using all the Blueboat hardware and software with the same configuration (2x Thrusters in the back of the boat), but for some reasons struggles to keep the loiter mode (start to spins and doesn´t stop) and when we program a route, struggles to keep the bow on the direction of travel.
Not sure if the problem are the compasses or the GPS. Using only Navigator compasses and sensors works a little bit better but still unable to keep the bow in the direction of travel.

My question will be is a issue of the navigation aids for the Ardurover or is a configuration issue?
Could we use and AHRS antenna like the Furuno SCX21 as main navigation reference system? as it has 4x GPS antennas and accelerometers will always provide a good heading even with the boat in a steady position.
But not sure how to integrate as doesn´t recognize via Navigator using serial or Raspberry Pi. Probably doing something wrong.

Best regards and thanks in advance

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You seem to have a typical skid steering problem.
Tuning for this kind of vehicule

There is some documentation on ardupilot about overturning and how to handle it.

Good luck

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Thanks for the advice, will take a look how to do it.
What do you think about the extra antenna, could be an improvement? Any tips in how to do it?


I think your problem is a classic for this kind of vehicule and I would not invest in any hardware until you did the full tuning setup.

The position of the navigator vs the center mass of your véhicule is probably a thing to look at a bit too.

I agree. Don’t buy anything else. Work through the full tuning process step by step. All of your problems can be solved by adjusting Ardupilot parameters.

Thanks for the advices, will get the boat again in the water next week and see if were are able to calibrate it properly.
Will move the control box to the center of gravity.
Other question, for the range, any idea how to increase the antenna range?


Hi @Ramon -
You can change your radio settings (if using BlueBoat Mikrotik radio and BaseStation) - the best range is achieved with the settings recommended here for the US / Canada. If you are elsewhere, you may be legally limited in the range you can achieve. A directional antenna can greatly boost the range as well - Blue Robotics will be launching those for purchase soon!


After a few test and using the guides to adjust the turn rate and speeds, have the next conclusions:

In guided mode works better, still not going straight line but almost, probably needs more tunning.
Everytime once at sea have to do a quick calibration to be able to use the boat, either on manual or other mode…not sure why.
Had update it to the latest version 4.5.6…and things are getting worse.
If we disable the GPS compass and disable the correction of this one for attitude changes the system works better, but once in loiter more, after a few seconds goes crazy and starts to spin on circles.

Our main goal, is to use the loiter mode, means that the boat keeps the desired position once the location is reached, driving it even on manual mode.

PLease find attached some pictures.
The control box is separated around 2m from the electric motors to prevent any noise on the controller, and I´m using the default GPS antenna from BR.

What do you guys think?
We would be happy to give access to the control PC just in case some of you wants to take a look once in the water…obviously paying for it to help us.

Best regards


Hi @Ramon -
Tuning a vehicle can be tricky!

  1. You need to make sure your compass is rock solid - the autopilot depends on this to navigate. Drive your vehicle around in manual mode, turning every direction, for 5-10 minutes. Disarm, and save this .BIN log file, processing it to generate compass calibration parameters.
  2. After updating compass calibration, go to BlueOs, Vehicle Settings, Configure, and Compass- verify that the arrows for each of your compass devices are moving together and match the vehicles orientation.
  3. Follow the guide s for tuning - first tune vehicle throttle, then turning. The vehicle needs to drive a dead straight line in Acro mode auto or loiter mode to function. As mentioned, there are specific instructions for skid steer.
  4. Once Acro is driving well, you can tune the navigation system. It is possible to use the quicktune lua script, but using MissionPlanner to trigger it is a bit of a hassle (don’t need RC radio despite instructions mention of it)

On a recent vehicle tuning mission (of a jetski using BlueBoat electronics) we learned about the Thrust Vectoring parameter - this was critical in getting the vehicle to drive well.