Issue: Stuck Thruster (maybe replacing a thruster)


We have a BlueROV2 heavy configuration which hasn’t seen use until recently. When blowing the dust off I noticed three of the thrusters were stuck. I wiggled them and two loosened up and started working while one loosened up but is still too stiff to spin.

I hear the sound of the motor attempting to spin the thruster but it requires decent force by hand to move. I have tried wiggling it back and forth to loosen it up but nothing has improved.

I was curious if anyone in the forums knows how to fix a stuck thruster?

I am new to this ROV so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi @awebster -
Welcome to the forums, sorry for the issue!
Unfortunately this is a common problem - if an ROV is not rinsed well, or even if it is, salt build up and even corrosion can occur and lock the rotor in place. You may be able to resolve the issue by taking apart the thruster and cleaning it, checking for any signs of a failed rotor/stator coating in the process. These can occur if the thrusters were exposed to suspended sediment, as can occur if the ROV impacts the bottom (like sandblasting!)
This guide should have the information you need. Best of luck!

Looks like just a build up of rust.
I was able to remove the rotor and stator with some force. After cleaning them is there a lubricant that should go in between the rotor and stator or does the water do this job?

Thanks for the help!

Hi @awebster
No lubricant should be used - water does indeed do the job!
If the rotor had most of the rust, it will continue to build up and lead to issues. It’s easy to replace as a wear component!