GPS configuration

Hey all,

We’re planning on taking the BlueRov2 with us for a research trip in Tasmania. We’ve tested the BlueRov and got it working how we want, and we’ve just gotten the GPS unit wired up and installed.

The setup of the GPS receivers/software looks a little bit tedious. How accurate do the receiver placement coordinates need to be in the software of the Waterlink GPS? Also, is it possible to extract the GPS track of the ROV from the software?

Your locator position will be more accurate if your receiver positions are accurate. It also depends on what kind of separation you have between the receivers, you can deal with a larger error in the receiver placement if you have a large separation between the receivers.

It is possible to get the gps track, what sort of format would you be interested in?

Hey Jacob,

That’s great, were on a 26m vessel so the receivers will be as far as they can be!

Just a visual track on a map, along with distance travelled and timestamps would be awesome.



Postdoctoral Fellow
School of Environmental and Life Sciences
Faculty of Science and IT

M: +61 (0)407257293

The University of Newcastle (UoN)
PO Box 127
Ourimbah NSW 2258

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