DC-1, another Drop Camera build

Inside the BR 3" enclosure (maybe 4") will be a BR USB camera, BR camera tilt system, Pi 3 B+ computer, Fathom X board, thruster ESC’s (2), BR temperature and depth sensors, battery power for electronics and thrusters. Enclosure rotated and driven forward by two T-100 thrusters. Thin BR 2-wire Fathom tether to topside. Topside a fathom X board, Pi 3B+ computer, analog joystick, video transmitter, video receiver, monitor, FPV goggles, and battery power where needed.
Simple, and hopefully, less then $1000.
Any comments appreciated.
You can see my previous ROV work on YouTube channel: Richard Fast

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The boat platform from which DC-1 is deployed uses a GPS controlled electric trolling motor to position DC-1. Drag is overcome using the thrusters.

Looking forward to seeing it!

Thanks, Rusty.
Following more research, and recognizing I will not be using the Pixhawk, I see no reason not to switch to using the Pi 4B+'s for deep and topside. (It may also work with the Pixhawk for all I know).

I would appreciate suggestions for what OS to use in the two Pi’s.

I will not be using a topside PC or Mac. The topside Pi-4B+, mounted in a box with a joystick, will be the server host for networking through Ethernet.
This website (Want to set up a network of Raspberry Pi computers? Here's how to do it | TechRepublic) suggests a program for networking Pi’s but the recommended OS is installed in a PC or Mac connected to one of the Pi’s (I guess it is the host).
I know very little about networking. This will be my biggest hurdle.
Any help appreciated.
YouTube channel Richard Fast

Above question is not necessarily directed at Rusty. Please, all pitch in.

Seems like unnecessary difficulty unless it’s more about the process, otherwise I’d just use a Pixhawk and 3 B and it’s all plug & play.

Can I use Pixhawk and 3 B without a hardwired host PC topside?

It is imperative that the only thing in my hand is a small controller with a joystick and video transmitter for my FPV goggles and a remote monitor on the boat console. I want no connection to the controller except for the tether. At least that is my goal.
Most of the time on our offshore reefs it is quite rough, and we are using small boats.

I don’t think ArduSub can run on a Pi platform, and yes it is partly the process :grinning:
I’m an Arduino guy, so using Pi is going to be a long haul. I wish Arduino could handle video.

What operating system/software is running the Pi in the Blue ROV? Is the software open source?

Have you used FPV goggles for this type of work before? You have a stronger stomach than me!! :face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

Marcus, good question. Yes I have. But, as you have suggested, it can cause nausea in a rocking boat. It doesn’t effect me much. What I have done in the past is sit down with one hand on the tether to raise or lower the camera as needed, and the other hand on the joystick for steering and forward motion. You may be surprised at how well you can maneuver a negatively buoyant ROV without a depth changing thruster.
It takes practice, but is effective. Look at this video and you can see the effect of boat motion.

(YouTube channel Richard Fast)

With the advent of powerful GPS controlled trolling motors steering the boat (which we didn’t have for any of my previous videos) , the negatively buoyant ROV drop camera becomes more feasible as a lower cost alternative to a BlueROV type vehicle in the environment where we operate. We video the bottom structure in real time to help us find fish to catch. The trolling motor operator is watching the monitor to steer where the camera goes using the trolling motor. The ROV operator is using joystick control to keep the camera pointed ahead and to add thrust to overcome drag due to the boats motion. When the boat stops and is anchored in place by the GPS, the joystick control can look around 360.

Based on a post I read in the General Discussion section from last year, it appears I can eliminate the Fathom-X boards because I am using a short tether (50 meters).

Following more research on hardware capabilities and requirements, here is a project update:
BR-3" enclosure, BR T100 thrusters (2), Fathom thin tether (2-wire), Pi camera module, Pi 3B+ boards (2), Joystick. Video live-streamed to the FPV goggles (iPhone) and the remote iPad monitor via WiFi from the Pi 3B+
Cost under $900, including batteries, if I exclude the iPad (which I already have).
This is the easy part. The programming is another story (working on it).
Comments and suggestions appreciated.
YouTube channel: Richard Fast